Professional vs amateur wedding shots, WDYT?

Professional vs amateur wedding shots, WDYT?

What to do with this skin condition? Seeing black pigments and small acne.thanks!

Back to the gym?

Hi guys I just had my surgery 20 days ago when can i go back to the gym and lift weights like normal before I had the surgery? Is 6-7 weeks enough?

First playthrough eileen missing and djura still killimg me

I talked to her outside cathedral ward, killed vicar amelia, killed witch of hemwick, killed amygdala, killed shadows of yharnam, killed amygdala, touched skull, killed martyr logarius and finished alfreds questline, sent one to iosefkas clinic, entered clinic, sent rest to oedon chapel, have killed paarl, have all trophies except rom. I entered the fight for rom but havent felled him, djura keeps trying to kill me as well. Have i broken their quest? I only kbow what breaks is if you didnt talk to her outside cathedral ward amd killed rom but i didnt kill him and talked to her. Assistance accepted.

Apple Watch SE, are Random one interval spikes like this when asleep normal?

Similar one interval spike also happens a few nights ago. 66 bpm to 120 bpm to 56 bpm

"> Similar one interval spike also happens a few nights ago. 66 bpm to 120 bpm to 56 bpm

Get ready to meet the new Samsung Galaxy S series, your true AI companion. Save this post or visit u/Samsung_Mobile at 10am PST.

Get ready to meet the new Samsung Galaxy S series, your true AI companion. Save this post or visit u/Samsung_Mobile at 10am PST.

Searching for a song

I'm searching for a very old song i used to listen when I was in middle school. The genre is glitch hop-dubstep. It starts with 110 bpm and before the drop there's a vocal that says "drop that low" after the first drop, in the second buildup the bpm go to 70 and the second drop is slower than the first. Also the vocal before the second drop is just "drop that". Thank you for your time guys

FT: English Shiny Go Latios(Still in Go) LF: English Shiny Go Latias

X Links Are Now Banned in r/electrolysis.

Hello r/electrolysis community! Considering what is in the news in the US, we wanted to put out a short statement. We are an inclusive community and have a duty to our community members to ensure that you feel safe in this space. Although we have yet to have any links to X / Twitter posted, and may not ever have one due to our topic, we want to make our stance on recent news abundantly clear; We do not tolerate Nazis or Nazi ideals. Thus, all links from X / Twitter will be banned moving forward. While this will likely not have a profound impact on our subreddit or its content, we feel that it is the least we can do. Best, The r/electrolysis mod team

Parc/ forêt où courir vers Rangueil

Bonjour, je viens de reprendre la course à pied, mais je n’ai pas l’habitude de courir en extérieur. N’étant pas de Toulouse, pourriez-vous me recommander des endroits forestiers sécurisés pour courir ?

Daily Discussion Thread for January 22, 2025

# DX_Bundle: 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 # DX_Config: EgA= # DX_Cached: Gr8CCrwCCrYCCAEqIggBEg4KBQ0AAMhCEgUNAADIQhoOCgUNAADIQhIFDQAAyEIajQISigIIARL/AQgBKikSFwoFDQAAyEISBQ0AAMhCGgcNAIDUQxABGg4KBQ0AAMhCEgUNAADIQhrPARLMARLDAQgBKiASDgoFDQAAyEISBQ0AAMhCGg4KBQ0AAMhCEgUNAADIQhqcARKZAQgBEloIBBpWKlQKTmh0dHBzOi8vc3R5bGVzLnJlZGRpdG1lZGlhLmNvbS90NV8ydGg1Mi9zdHlsZXMvY29tbXVuaXR5SWNvbl92cXFhaDNtMGJuOGMxLnBuZxBkGGQSMQgCKgkSBwoFDQAAyEIaIhogChRIZXksIEknbSB3YWxraW4gaGVyZSoECAEQAVABWAEiBAgBEAEoAyIECAEQASIECAEQARCABA==

Database to use for tracks for desktop app C# MVVM Winui

Good Morning! First of all, I'm sorry for the lack of misuse of techincal terms , my not so good english and the long text. I'm developing an Desktop App in C# MVVM Winui that is supposed to receive data from objects ( for now only focusing on receiving position \[lat,long,alt\] speed and direction) and represent it on a map . My estimation for max number of objects at the same time would be a few thousands and thats already a very positive estimate for what will probably be the real number. The program follows an hierarchy let's say an owner has 20 objects, it receives 20 object tracks and will share those 20 object tracks with others owner( and vice versa) in a single message. Therefore, even if there are 1000 objects that are, there won't be an owner receiving 1k single message in a space of seconds, it will probably come in batches of tens Data is received by a singleton class (services.AddSingleton();) My initial idea was a global variable that would hold all that data in observable collections/property changed and through Dependecy Injection, the viewModel would just read from there . I had a lot of problems because of memory leaks, the viewModels were acumulating to the a lot of subscription because of those. So I'm trying to move even more to the reliance of Databases (the app has another purposes outside of tracking, but this is the biggest challenge because is real-time data, the other data doesn't change so frequently and I can support some lag) My new ideia is for the app to receive data , , store in a database so the ViewModel-View responsible for displaying the data can constantly read from the db for the updates. So I need fast writes and reads, and no need for ACID, some data can be lost, so i focused in NonSQL Do you guys know any database that is reliable for this? Or is this idea not even feasible and I should stay with a global Variable but with better event subscription( using Reactive or something else ? I'm focusing in embedded Database so the user does not need to install and/or setup a server For reference, my first option was RocksDB but i'm having an hard time to understand it because it is information in internet is mostly C++. Thank you guys for your attention.

Official as - 2 why no one play here

I am hoping servers and checking all of them this one have tons of Ai and no players like 0 how come?

Toddler drift edition

Toyota Hilux GR-S


Hi M26

Roast me or not

STAR-BD5P-SWGD for 5,000 UEC

# Just use the code or this direct link and enjoy the game :) # [](

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

Tracked24 sent to wrong DO

Could this still come today or will the delay add another day on. Thanks.

"> Could this still come today or will the delay add another day on. Thanks.

Is Today Thursday the 20th?



Hello friends, I am a trans woman, I look female but my passport gender is still male. Will there be any problems while entering the country at Mumbai airport? (I will be coming to India for work for the first time) Has anyone of you experienced this before?

This subreddit is dedicated to those surveillance camera 'types' that are keeping us 'safe'... And their 'enthusiasts'

As stated above, this subreddit is dedicated to surveillance cameras... And the activities they purport to record... Those who know: :⁠-⁠| those who don't: >⁠.⁠<

Russian ‘Crutch Battalions’ Full Of Limping Soldiers Are Easy Targets For Ukrainian Drones

The Last Of Us – B Horror (Was a stage of a friendly 3 part design comp)

Is It really worth it??

It has all features but has analog triggers and hall effect sticks and it's my first controller so I don't really know the difference.

"> It has all features but has analog triggers and hall effect sticks and it's my first controller so I don't really know the difference.

BBQ - 14RWT7

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